Incorporated Management Committee (IMC)

With the implementation of school-based management at public schools in 2000, the Education Bureau not only endeavored to promote core parties of schools to participate in the schools' management as well as formulation and decision of schools' policies but also established the Incorporated Management Committee (IMC). Through engaging key parties such as teachers and parents in the IMC, our school aims to foster an open, transparent, and joint participation school management structure. Our school's IMC was established on 31 August 2015.

Registered IMC Managers (2024-2025)
Sponsoring Body Manager: Mr. CHOW Siu Lui (Supervisor)
The Revd. WONG Lai Ha
Ms. WONG Terese
Mr. KONG Wai On
Mr. LO Chi Alvin
The Revd. IP Hing Suen
Mr. TAM Tsz Hong
Alternate Sponsoring Body Manager: Mr. YEUNG Wai Keung Gary
Independent Manager: Mr. CHAN Kai Chuen Kim
Principal (ex-officio Manager): Mr. MAK Yiu Kuen
Parent Manager: Ms. LOO Veng Seong
Alternate Parent Manager: -
Teacher Manager: Mr. LIU Hon Kwong
Alternate Teacher Manager: Mr. LAU Chi To Kelvin
Alumni Manager: Mr. CHAN Kim Hung