"Richness for All" Forum Dinner


Our school is committed to providing our students opportunities to learn beyond classrooms. In the school year 2023-24, our school arranged for a group of students to participate in the Project M² Award Program. As part of the program, all the students engaged in a hackathon where they worked on two topics: "Protect our Planet" and "Good Health and Well-Being." 

To celebrate the school's achievements, our principal and an S.5 student Cheong Chun Hei were invited to the "Richness for All" forum dinner on Friday, 23 August 2024 at the Silverbox Ballroom of Hotel ICON. It is a great pleasure to listen to the sharing and words of encouragement from various honorable guests including Dr. Choi Yuk-lin, JP (Secretary for Education, Education Bureau, HKSAR) and Mr. Antony Leung (Chairman & Co-Founder, Solomon Learning Group).