THS students' visit to Ocean Park


Our Tourism and Hospitality students from S.4 to S.5 embarked on an exciting educational visit to Ocean Park. This unique opportunity allowed students to gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved in operating a major tourist attraction, as well as the importance of sustainability in the tourism and hospitality industry. 

During the visit, students had the chance to engage in behind-the-scenes activities that showcased the park’s commitment to marine conservation and animal welfare. A highlight of the day was a discussion with a maritime animal trainer, who shared insights into the daily responsibilities involved in caring for marine life. Students learned about the training processes, the significance of animal enrichment, and how Ocean Park strives to promote sustainability within its operations. 


In addition, some students explored the thrilling world of ride operations. They observed the systematic processes that ensure the safety and enjoyment of all park visitors. Under the supervision of dedicated staff, students participated in performing safety checks, allowing them to appreciate the meticulous planning and attention to detail required to maintain the park's high safety standards. 

This visit not only enriched students’ understanding of the tourism and hospitality sector but also inspired them to consider the vital role of sustainability in their future careers. By witnessing firsthand the balance between entertainment and conservation, students left with a renewed passion for responsible tourism.